About Mendeley

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a free web and desktop reference management application that helps you collect scientific literature and cite it seamlessly while preparing your manuscript. To use Mendeley you can download one of the two available desktop applications (an older version and a new one) – they are available to download for Windows, MacOS and Linux – as well as log in to the Mendeley Web online version through any web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari).

How can Mendeley help you?

Key features of Mendeley:

Read more on Mendeley here.

Mendeley Applications

Mendeley Desktop

An older version of the software installed onto your computer. It was introduced in 2008 and developed until 2020. In Mendeley Desktop you can:

Mendeley Reference Manager

The latest version of Mendeley software installed onto your computer. It was introduced in 2020 and includes some of the features of Mendeley Desktop and some new ones:

Install  Mendeley on your computer

Create a free Mendeley account and download the free application on your computer: Mendeley Desktop or Mendeley Reference Manager.

Mendeley Web

Access your Mendeley library anywhere in the world through Mendeley Web. Sign in and go to the „Library” tab.